smoked salmon & cream cheese on rocket pinit

Looking for an appetizer to impress others with? Are you short on time? And you don’t want to buy a lot either? Check, check, check! You should definitely try our smoked salmon appetizer recipe with cream cheese and rocket! We are sure that you will enjoy our favorite appetizer too!

Why use rocket for the starter?

Rocket is digestive! The best prerequisite for using it in an appetizer. In addition, it contains many vitamins. The vitamin C content is even higher than in citrus fruits. Vitamin C is needed for collagen formation, strong teeth and bones, among other things. The vitamin K content in particular is high in rocket. Vitamin K is especially important for your arteries and blood.
The rocket is combined with smoked salmon. The numerous unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids in smoked salmon support cell structure and the antioxidants support your heart health!

Spicy – creamy – fresh

The rocket gives the appetizer a hot and spicy aroma. This contrasts with the salty flavor of the smoked salmon and the mild cream cheese. The different textures of the ingredients (al dente with rocket, smooth and soft with smoked salmon and creamy with cream cheese) also ensure an exciting mouthfeel. Our smoked salmon appetizer with rocket recipe convinces above all with its light, fresh taste!
Try the recipe yourself and make your guests happy! Some baguette goes well with it.

smoked salmon appetizer - cream cheese on rocket
Our smoked salmon & cream cheese on rocket

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smoked salmon & cream cheese on rocket pinit
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Smoked salmon appetizer – cream cheese & rocket

Difficulty: Beginner Preparation 15 min Total time 15 mins
Portions: 2
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


Spicy - creamy - fresh: Exciting mouthfeel guaranteed!



  1. Cut spring onions

    Remove the outer shell of the spring onion and the roots. Cut the spring onion into very thin rings.

    Räucherlachs & Frischkäse auf Rucola Rezept - Frühlingszwiebeln schneiden
  2. Prepare cream cheese filling: cream cheese, yoghurt, spring onions, dill, black pepper

    Place the cream cheese, yoghurt, spring onions, dill, and black pepper in a bowl and stir to combine.


    Räucherlachs & Frischkäse auf Rucola Rezept - Frischkäse creme vermengen
  3. Serving smoked salmon & cream cheese on rocket: rocket, smoked salmon, cream cheese filling

    Get a big plate. Scatter about 3 handfuls of rocket on top. Place a large slice of salmon (or 2 small slices of salmon next to each other) in the middle of the rocket bed. Spread 2 tablespoons of the cream cheese filling on top. Place a large salmon slice (or 2 small salmon slices) on top.

    Räucherlachs & Frischkäse auf Rucola Rezept Serviervorschlag
Nutrition facts

Serving Size 5.1 oz

Servings 2

Amount Per Serving
Calories 181kcal
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 11.3g18%
Saturated Fat 5.1g26%
Cholesterol 61mg21%
Sodium 373mg16%
Total Carbohydrate 4.71g2%
Dietary Fiber 1.2g5%
Sugars 2.68g
Protein 15.6g32%

Vitamin A 56 IU
Vitamin C 46 mg
Calcium 21 mg
Iron 8 mg

* * Die täglichen Prozentwerte basieren auf einer Diät mit 2.000 Kalorien. Deine täglichen Werte können je nach Kalorienbedarf höher oder niedriger sein.

recipe-tag: smoked salmon recipe, rocket recipe, smoked salmon and cream, arugula recipe

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